Jasmin CapitalJasmin Capital


Jasmin Capital quoted about sectoral funds

Private Equity Magazine quoted Jasmin Capital in its Monthly November 2011 (No. 70) for the investigation: “Sectoral funds: the premium to specialization?”.

Obtained the status of Financial Investment Advisor

Jasmin Capital has become a Financial Investment Consulting firm as well as a member of the Association Nationale des Conseillers Financiers – CIF (ANACOFI-CIF). As such,…

Jasmin Capital in CFnews

In the edition of 19th September 2011, CFnews published an article on Jasmin Capital entitled “Jasmin Capital alongside actors unlisted”. Webpage: https://www.cfnews.net/l_actualite_toutes_les_rubriques/marche_general/tetes_d_affiche/jasmin_capital_aux_cotes_des_acteurs_du_non_cote

Jasmin Capital joins the AFIC

On September 7th, the Board of the Association Française des Investisseurs en Capital (eq. BCVA or NVCA) validated the associate membership of Jasmin Capital. Jasmin Capital…

The new Eastern Europe and Central Asia Manager

Lucia Roman, a Moldavian who graduated from the INALCO (Langues O) and speaks five languages, joined Jasmin Capital. She is now responsible for the relation between…

Taking part in the Intercompany Challenge of Action Against Hunger

The NGO Action Against Hunger organised the Intercompany Challenge charity race on the Parvis of la Défense, to which Jasmin Capital took part the very first…

Jasmin Capital in L’Agefi Actifs

In the edition of the 25th February 2011, L’Agefi Actifs published an article on Jasmin Capital entitled “Jasmin Capital advises on unlisted assets and infrastructures”. Webpage: http://www.agefi.fr/articles/Jasmin-Capital-conseille-cote-infrastructures-1169272.html