In 2020, Jasmin Capital decided to create an Endowment Fund to fulfil general interest missions. The Endowment Fund was officially published by the Journal Officiel on the 17th of November 2020.
This Endowment Fund has five main fields of action:
- Education, especially focusing on equal opportunities in education, the support of students from the youngest age, and on the development of primary and secondary education in developing countries
- Promotion of sports, with a focus on mountain sports and sailing
- Environmental protection, in particular protection of biodiversity, the fight against massive deforestation, the fight against global warming, the promotion of urban agriculture and the preservation of natural marine and coastal environments
- Health, including cancer control, mental health support, assistance to children in hospital
- Social, in particular social inclusion of the elderly, the isolated and people with disabilities
This Fund accepts donations, gifts and legacies, from:
- Companies, which can benefit from a tax reduction of up to 60% of the amount of the donations, up to a limit of 5 ‰ of the turnover
- Individuals, who can benefit from an income tax reduction (IRPP) equal to 66% of the amount of donations, up to a limit of 20% of taxable income, under Articles 200 and 238 bis of the General Tax Code
The Endowment Fund is registered under SIREN number 891 125 999.
Previously, Jasmin Capital endowment fund provided financial support to various associations:
ASM 17, the association of parents of children with Smith Magenis syndrome. This rare neurodevelopmental disorder, of genetic origin, is characterized by an intellectual disability of varying severity, behavioral problems and sleep disorders. Patients have distinctive physical characteristics and numerous malformations (e.g., heart, kidney). The association’s goal is to make the disease known to as many people as possible and to help families through counseling, personal and financial support as well as to support medical research programs.
The 101 Foundation which aims to improve the quality of care and reduce mortality in intensive care through its SATISFACTION program. SATISFACTION is a practice improvement methodology that combines the use of data and caregiver education to assess and improve the performance of ICU services worldwide, and thus reduce ICU mortality in the absence of human and material resources. Currently under development, the SATISFACTION program will be deployed throughout the resuscitation network affiliated with One O One (1204 services in 66 countries) and will help save 1 million lifes in 4 years.
Use it Again, an endowment fund for the promotion and development of the Circular Economy, but it is also the name of the ULTIME racing trimaran reconditioned and optimized according to the principles of material recycling. For Romain Pilliard and Alex Pella, the objective of the adventure is to prove that it is possible to sail around the world by recycling used materials, ropes, sails, winches and solar panels. The trimaran Use it Again is Ellen MacArthur’s old boat with which the English sailor won the solo round the world race in 2005. Romain Pilliard, who is deeply convinced of the dangers that weigh on our planet, has chosen to give a hand to the scientists who are working on the noise pollution of the oceans. The trimaran will be equipped with sensors that will allow to record the sound of animals from several tens of kilometers away and to establish a sound map of the oceans. The scientist Olivier Adam believes that noise pollution, produced by humans, is the most serious threat to the marine environment.
LOBA (“Express yourself” in Lingala) is an association that engages citizens since 2008 through different forms of art such as exhibitions or shows in various fields of action: health, education, commitment. Putting art at the service of the city and social issues, transforming activism into ARTivism, such is the project of LOBA. Art as a tool for social transformation with which we can engage, educate, mobilize or (re)build ourselves.It is in 2016 that born within LOBA the project Re-Creation which puts this time, Art in the service of Health. Since then, the association strives to help women victims of violence but also to raise awareness of the general public on gender-based and sexual violence.
ALIMA (which stands for “The Alliance for International Medical Action”) is a medical humanitarian organization created in 2009. Its objective is to provide medical relief in emergency situations or medical disasters by basing its operations on partnerships, mainly with national humanitarian actors and research institutes. By pooling and capitalizing on their skills, ALIMA and its partners allow access to quality care for the greatest number of beneficiaries and contribute to the improvement of humanitarian medicine practices through operational research projects.
MOCAPI is an association created by French and Moldovan health and socio-educational professionals. Its aim is to develop sustainable cooperation links between Moldova, Romania and France. Its fields of intervention are the following : health (material and technical assistance to hospitals, training of health personnel, health promotion), culture (promotion of Moldovan and Romanian artists in France through exhibitions, shows, sale of art objects), education and leisure (material assistance, stays and exchanges of young people, education and leisure (material aid, stays and exchanges of young people, correspondence between young people, school partnerships), economy (initiation of contacts in the field of tourism, agriculture, trade), support to Romanians and Moldovans in France (students, asylum seekers with the obtaining of an internship, accommodation, administrative procedures, advice and contacts).
Institut Curie SIREDO is an expert in the treatment and research of childhood, adolescent and young adult cancers. Institut Curie is taking a new step forward by launching the creation of SIREDO. This center, the first of its kind in France, is entirely dedicated to cancers in children under the age of 25 and has a single objective: to cure more young patients. More than 700 young patients, including 300 new children with cancer, are followed each year at the Institut Curie. This center brings together the Institute’s strengths, both in terms of care and research – basic, translational and clinical.
Unicef – United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund – is a United Nations agency, created in 1946, with headquarters in New York, USA. It is responsible for advocating for children’s rights, meeting their basic needs and promoting their full development worldwide. Priority is given to the most vulnerable children, especially those affected by war, natural disasters, extreme poverty and all forms of violence or exploitation in the poorest countries. It also intervenes in emergencies in coordination with United Nations agencies, major humanitarian organizations, and national governments. Jasmin Capital has provided financial assistance during emergencies such as the beginning of the war in Ukraine to help children in 2022.
Action contre la Faim, an association under the law of 1901, is a non-governmental organization (NGO) that fights against hunger in the world. Conflicts, climate change, poverty, inequalities in access to water and healthcare are all causes of malnutrition. Their mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of undernutrition, particularly during and after emergencies related to conflicts and natural disasters. Jasmin Capital financially supported the NGO during the earthquake in Syria and Turkey in February 2023.
Tooth Colibri, a charity set up by Jérôme Picard, a retired dentist, aims to travel the world by boat to treat the most disadvantaged people in remote and often inaccessible areas.
ANEF 63, a regional association set up in 1952 to provide mutual aid to combat social exclusion, operates in the Puy-de-Dôme and Allier départements and is involved in child protection and integration through housing.
Based in Clermont-Ferrand, the association employs the skills of nearly 200 qualified professionals to provide shelter and protection for the most vulnerable people in need, and to support them in a process of residential stabilisation, in an educational process or in care towards autonomy.
An association of general interest, ANEF 63 works with people experiencing serious social difficulties, under agreements, at the request of the State or local authorities. It sometimes takes action on its own initiative, with the support of its endowment fund, on initiatives that fall within the scope of its associative project.
Each project is tailored to the specific situations, needs and capabilities of the people it supports: women who are victims of violence, isolated people, minors at risk, asylum seekers, etc., taking into account the changing social needs of local areas.
La Fondation de France is a private organisation, recognised as being of public utility and independent, created by decree in 1969. It encourages and transforms philanthropic desires to act into useful and sustainable actions of general interest. Environment, education, health, culture, help for vulnerable people… at the Fondation de France, they provide concrete and sustainable solutions in all areas of public interest, in France and abroad. They work both in emergency contexts with the victims of natural disasters, and over the long term to ensure that our actions have a lasting impact. This is why Jasmin Capital has decided to make a donation for the earthquake in Morocco in September 2023.
Mécénat Chirurgie Cardiaque, founded in 1996, is a non-profit organization that facilitates access to care for children suffering from severe heart malformations, from countries where treatments are inaccessible. It organizes their care in France, in partnership with hospitals and volunteer foster families.
The Institut du Cerveau (ICM), founded in 2010, is a research and care center dedicated to brain diseases (stroke, multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, and psychiatric disorders). It brings together researchers, clinicians, and engineers to foster innovation in neuroscience, with a major goal: to accelerate research to better understand and treat these diseases.
SOS Villages d’Enfants (SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit) is an international organization working for the protection and well-being of children deprived of their families or in vulnerable situations. Founded in 1949, it offers long-term care solutions by creating children’s villages where each child benefits from personalized support and an adapted education. It also supports families in difficulty to prevent abandonment and strengthen family bonds.